Friday, September 14, 2007

On the road to Laramie

I’m so glad we had the forethought, or we were just bored in the day before and took our side trip through the Grand Tetons, because today as drove through the clouds were low and most of the mountains were obscured. A little side note the weather in Yellowstone was so beautiful when we were there but the morning after we left there was three inches of snow on the ground. We took the southern route out through Jackson Hole and headed east on the main road. Here’s the thing, they are widening the main road and like they did in South Dakota they don’t just widen it, they tear the whole thing up. So there were long stretches of Wyoming State Highway that just didn’t exist and since that is not only the main road, but the only road they didn’t close it they threw some gravel down and expected you to drive on it through the mountain pass. Enjoyable. NOT. But down off the mountain and onto the pavement we were again treated to amazing scenery along the way, like Crow’s Heart, to Laramie.

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