Sunday, September 2, 2007

And we’re off

Well we’ve always been off but now we are on the road.

Here’s the plan: We pick up the RV, take it home and pack it. Me and the dogs will sleep in the RV and Rick would sleep in the house. Rick would get up about 3 in the morning come out and start driving.

Here’s what really happened: We picked up the RV packed it with everything we planned to pack, then started going around the house to see if we forgot anything. Well we may not have forgotten it but there are lots of things in this boat that probably could have stayed home. Just look at all the granola, nuts and chips. It would take us a year to eat all of that at home and yet we felt the need to have it all with us for a two week trip. Well if there is a freak storm in Yellowstone and we get snowed in, at least we won't starve. We went out for our usual fajita Friday and came home stuffed. We both fell asleep in the house and didn’t get up until 7. More last looks more stuff packed. By 8 we had to leave or we wouldn’t be able to fit us in.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you all are off and running. DAMN, you all did pack a bit much, doncha think....

Have Fun!!!!

Wollero said...

Good grief. Where's the box of wine and I don't see any Margarita mix either.