Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Crazy Horse Memorial

It's big. It's Impressive. It's a rock. We took the shuttle from the campground to the sunset show at the monument. That means you watch the sunset and then they show you a laser presentation on the side of the poor man's head. The sunset was beautiful the laser show was not. It was more like a laser / slide show. The best part was the end when they showed the laser outline of the completed monument. Very nice and I hope the keep that nice shade of mauve it was stunning. I've just one request. Can I see a laser show on the side of a mountain just once that doesn't do the finale' to Lee Greenwood singing about how proud he is.


Anonymous said...

WOW Stuart,

What interestingly beautiful pictures or shall I say scenery. Looks like your boys are enjoying themselves.

Take some pics of the driver or the couch potatoe (you).....


Unknown said...

Now I know why they call it "Crazy Horse"...gotta love those laser shows on rocks. More pics of what you are seeing. AAA is plodding along; it's more fun when you are here, but enjoy your travels.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.