Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The RVing Community

Rick calls them friendly like they are your neighbors. I call them nosy and all up in your business. I suppose they fall somewhere in between. They all want to know where you're from where you're going what you're going to see. Then they want to tell you what you should see all about what you're going to see and why did you choose that instead of this and oh you are so close to here you should really stop by here or there. An RVers version of so close I think is 200 miles or less. I am so glad that Rick is in the service industry and likes to chat with people because they would really hate me. I'll stick to my dogs. Here's a pic that has nothing to do with this post. Just thought I'd add it because you haven't seen Hunk enjoying the ride yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pics guys. I remember our first encounter with those massive beasts. It was awesome.

Glad to see that you guys are having a great time. Don't get in the Beefallos space though. They can move very fast and have attacked people.
