Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A day at the beach

We took another relaxing day at the campsite and walked to the beach with Hunk. Now that Labor Day as past there are no longer restrictions to having the dog on the beach. I think he finally realized that he could ride the waves and be alright. He still wants to chase the seagulls and the sandpipers. He just stares in disbelief when the fly away over the water. Since it's a slow day I think I'll give you some of my observations about Cape Cod. First, the wives drive the husbands. I don't know if that is because they've been on one too many fishing trips and no longer have the privilege of driving or not but it just seems funny to see the woman driving and the man in the passenger seat. Second, all of the cars and trucks around here have tubes attached to the front. Some of them are on the sides of a grate that holds a cooler others are just across the front of the vehicle. My gay self kept wondering why on earth so many cars had those confetti cannons on the the front and just how many parties do these people have. Then I noticed when we went into town that they are not confetti cannons but fishing pole holders. Seriously, these people have six to eight per vehicle. I don't get it. Can't they stick them in the trunk? That's what they do down where I live. It's funny to see them all rolling in at the end of the day like a parade with all kinds of banners flying. But it's all just fishing poles. And my last observation is that there are the same five vowels up here a, e, i, o, u, but up here they all have the same pronunciation, ah. They go n-ah-th, s-ah-th, ah-p, and d-ah-n. I don't get it. Sometimes I have to watch how they say it to realize what they are saying. Ah-well.

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