Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pause for Drama

And you knew we'd have something. But first let me digress a bit. This is actually our second outing with the trailer. The four of us and the two dogs did a weekend in Harper's Ferry WVA. We decided that even though this trailer comes with a shower/toilet, we would not be using it because the campgrounds we were going to would have them and it's one less thing to empty and clean. So trip one we pull in we hook up the water and electric and proceed to unpack and set up the food. We're using the bathroom for storage of our towels and toiletries, on one of the trips into the trailer to grab something else Brian stopped and said "What's that noise?" It sounded like a pipe burst. We looked under the trailer and finally we had the genius idea to look in the bathroom. Open door see the shower head soaking towels. We forgot to make sure the shower was off.

Now to this trip. Before water is turned on we checked the shower, no wet towels this time right? Not so fast. We hooked up our drain but never pulled the plug to let it empty. Do you know what happens when tank that holds the dishwater drainage is full. RIGHT it backs up in the shower which is where the clean dry towels are being kept. Needless to say we had a mess and some stinky towels. We learn new things every trip unfortunately at the expense of our towels everytime.

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